Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Marshal’s TDR 2015 Statistics


Finish Time:
18 days, 22 hours, 9 minutes

Finish Position (South Bound Grand Depart):
18th of approximately 157 starters

Old Man Podium (South Bound GD, over 50 male, approximately 40+ starters):
1st:  Robert Orr (60)                         18 days 8 hours                 12th overall
  2nd: Marshal Bird (59)                    18 days, 22 hours             18th overall
    3rd: Luke Aufschlager (53)           19 days, 2 hours               21ts overall (time yet to be verified)      

Average miles per day:
145 miles

Average moving speed:
9 mph

Days near or above 200 miles:

Nights in hotels:

Average Sleep:
3-5 hours per night 

Number of semi-sit down meals:
5 with some level of service
2 more like fast food

Highest position at major check point (Butte MT):
9th overall

Lowest position at major check point (Salida CO):
23rd overall 

Swollen, inflamed left knee, day 4-8 (more on this later)
Swollen, inflamed right Achilles, day 3-current (more later)
Some type of rib fracture or cartilage tear/ break, day 7-current, moderate
Inflamed right knee, day 4-8, minor
Six finger blisters or wear spots, day 3 till end, minor
Nerve compression at contact points-slight re-aggravation of prior foot issues, fingers, hands etc -none
Saddle Sores, none to minor

Weight/Fat% change:
zero / 1-2%

Defective Shift Cable, Day 2 (much more on this later)
Twisted Handlebars, Start to day 7 (more later)
New chain and 1 tire in Steamboat


  1. Congrats Marshall. Fantastic effort.

  2. Thanks for reading
    So sorry to learn a knee issue took you out.....
